Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Starring: Clive Owen
Julianne Moore
Michael Caine
IMDb Rating: 8
My Rating: 9
I can't really remember when I last had any hope, and certainly can't remember when anyone else did either. Because really, since women stopped being able to have babies, what's left to live for."
The year is 2027. Our world has been destroyed by war, women are unable to have children, and even the wealthy countries' economies that haven't crumbled are grizzled versions of their former selves. The center of the film's story follows Theo Faron (Clive Owen) and his ex-wife Julian's (Juliane Moore) journey to safely transport a girl, who is the first to become pregnant in eighteen years, to safety.
What's so great about Children of Men?
With the exception of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, which actually serves as a good companion piece to this film, no vision of the world's future on film has ever seemed as realistically grim. The film is paced absolutely perfectly, with the action and scenes of dialogue in perfect balance. As an ensemble, the cast excels as well.
Anything not so great?
There isn't one thing I would change about this film, including the often criticized ending.
Best Scene
There is a scene where Theo and company are being chased by gun toting motor bikers while in an SUV. A great deal happens in this scene and it leaves you barely having a chance to catch your breath.
Does Children of Men belong in The 250?
As one of the best films of the last decade, I believe it's inclusion in The 250 is well deserved.
Final Words
Children of Men is a film that I enjoy equally every time that I see it, as each time I grasp something new. It is a dark film, but never achieves that level of depression that makes some similar films almost unbearable. The film is also clear of cliches, which gives you a fresh and unpredictable viewing experience. If you enjoyed films like the earlier mentioned Blade Runner or even last year's The Road, Children of Men is a film not to be missed.
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